Saturday 5/26/2018

Writing-related things: Re-read and critiqued the other submissions for the YWC meeting tomorrow. One is for a children’s picture book and I’m so far out of my depth on that one I’m pretty sure my critique is useless. I think for something like that all I can really do is offer encouragement. I still feel kind of bad I can’t offer anything helpful. Oh well.

I also started a read-through with quick notes for ALL ROCS (C2), trying to synthesize feedback I’ve had on it so far. Once I’ve made a pass through the entire thing, I’ll go back and start changing things. I still need to figure out what to do with the dreaded chapter five. I keep hoping the solution will just suddenly appear, but I suspect I’ll just have to try a bunch of things and see what works out.

Somewhat tangentially-related, I’m going to start posting pictures I’ve taken around Woodland. The series I’ve been working on takes place in a slightly modified Woodland, so I’ve always planned on posting them on this website. If I were a decent photographer it would be better. I’ll just try to pick the images where my finger isn’t visible…