Wednesday 7/18/2018

3,413 new words on the work in progress, which would be even more impressive if I hadn’t slacked off the last couple of days. I’m almost caught up to where I should be to hit 50k by the end of the month. Today in the novel that in no way, shape, or form will be called “Dude, Where’s My Dragon”, our magical probation officer had a book club meeting and then a quick stop at the Catholic church to see a priest about a gargoyle that turned into not such a quick visit.

A snippet (and who knows, this might get edited out when I’m feeling less silly. Or maybe not.):

Jen nodded. “He’s a total dick twitcher.”

Piper snorted, leaving an opening for Courtney’s “He’s a what?”

Jen turned her face to Courtney and spoke clearly so the other woman could read her lips if her hearing aids didn’t do the job. “A dick twitcher. It’s a term we came up with last year for all those guys in romances who see the woman and their dick twitches.”

Courtney’s eyebrows went up. “Thank you. Yes, that’s exactly what he is. Is that even possible?”

All eyes turned to Joe who had the distinction of being one of the few men and a doctor even if he was a podiatrist. He pushed his wire-rimmed glasses up. “I think it unlikely. There aren’t muscles in the penis.”