Sunday 4/21/2019

Writing-related accomplishments: The WIP (GHOSTWRITER) is currently sitting at 21k words, which is on schedule for my goals this month. The plot has shifted a little, but in a good way, I think. I’m claiming this is discovery writing and not just lack of planning.

I also sent off the first chunk of IMPULSE (SF thriller) to the YWC critique group for next week’s meeting. Feedback on that should be interesting. Someday I may find more people who regularly read adult SF/F (not YA which seems to be what a lot of people around me read and which I have zero interest in writing), but both critique groups are really helpful.

This is the tragic look of a dog who is disappointed by a cloudy day. It got better — we had agility that evening.

1 Comment

  1. It makes me smile the way they ponder their horrible lot in life while stretched out on several inches of soft foam.

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