Another month gone already! How did I do?
Finish the query for the dragon novel (SHIFT HAPPENS)Finish the final (ha!) edits for the dragon novel- Get 10 queries out to agents (Almost — I have 4 out at the moment)
Get the next chapter of IMPULSE out to the YWC critique groupCritique P’s novel for the WF critique group.
June was a fairly productive month. I didn’t get ten queries out because I need to finish the synopsis (which some agents want along with the initial query) — the first draft is done, so now I need to edit it down to 1-2 pages. Hopefully I’ll have that ready soon so I can send out some more queries by next weekend.
New goals for this month:
- Finish the SHIFT HAPPENS synopsis
- Get 10 queries out for SHIFT HAPPENS
- Get the next chapter of IMPULSE out to the YWC critique group
- 30k new words as part of Camp NaNo — I have a couple of novels that just need their endings written, and I’m going to work on those.
On the non-writing front, everything that has a water source is growing, so there’s a bit of gardening and yard work to keep up with. The big dog is helping keep the patio clean by eating all the figs that the rodents and birds knock down to the ground.