Sunday 7/28/2019

Writing-related accomplishments: Let me just say that when I avoid something, I don’t do it in a half-assed manner. I’ve been not-working on the synopsis for SHIFT HAPPENS for weeks, to the point that any time I remembered it still wasn’t finished I would put my fingers in my ears and start singing “La la la la la” loudly. So… it’s still not done, but it’s finally two reasonably coherent pages. I just need to fix some awkward sentences and then I can use it in my agent queries.

I think part of the problem was just general burn-out. I cut my Camp NaNo goal down from 30k to 15k. I may or may not make it. I did finally write the ending for IMPULSE and I have a pretty good idea of how the ending for the other manuscript needs to go.

In other news, it’s 105 F here today. My neighbors went to the coast to go hiking and asked me to check on their dog, so I took my dogs next door and worked on the synopsis for a bit while sitting in the shade. Their dog hung out with us for about five minutes, then went back inside. My dogs spent the whole time digging up and eating gross things. I guess a good time was had by all?

That’s Cooper (and the big dog’s butt)