My (unblogged) November goal was to work on the heist novel for NaNoWriMo, and despite some life challenges, I did that.

But how did I do for October?
Get back up to 10 queries pending for SHIFT HAPPENS.(Not quite 10, but I think at least 6.)Outline the chaos WIP (completely! with scenes! and characters!) in preparation for NaNoWriMo next month.Get some feedback on IMPULSE and look into addressing whatever comes up.
So not terrible, but not necessarily a stunning success. Let’s see if I can do better this month…
Goals for December, keeping in mind that there will be travel and other stuff going on:
- Add another 10k to the heist novel.
- Get the next chapter out to YWC for feedback.
- Gather the feedback on IMPULSE from WF and make a plan to fix things. The group had some really good thoughts on the novel and I can see ways to make it stronger.
- Holidailies! Daily posts on the personal blog.