I am still alive and healthy! As always, that’s the important thing.
How did I do on the April goals?
- Get the first pass of major edits to SHIFT HAPPENS done. There are a couple of relationships to modify and some world building to get done.It’s close!
- Start working out the book cover I want. I have a cover artist selected and work begins the first week in June!
- Self-publishing stuff — get a tax ID, maybe buy a block of ISBNs, and make a list of everything that I need to do. I watched a few videos, but essentially did nothing.
Get the next chapter of IMPULSE out to YWC.
On to the May goals!
- Finish the major edits to SHIFT HAPPENS and get it set up for line editing.
- Fill out the cover art questionnaire so the artist can dive right in.
- Work a little harder on self-publishing stuff.
- Get the next chapter of IMPULSE out to YWC.
- Figure out what I need to straighten out with the heist novel before it can go off for a developmental edit.