December 2021 Goals

How did November go? Let’s see…

  • Draft the third book in the Jackpot Drift series. I’m aiming for 75-80k, but I have yet to hit the target I’m aiming for. The manuscript is currently at 67k and I think it has about 10k left to go. I’ll finish the rough draft in the next few days.
  • Publish the holiday novella Death Trims the Tree. DONE!
  • Apply for a BBFD for the first Penelope Standing book. Depending on how they do the page count, Death Walks a Dog might be too short for BookBub, but you never know. I scheduled a RobinReads promotion for December 21st (which… many people don’t bother scheduling promotions during December because everyone is frantically doing holiday things, so this may be a mistake, but when has that stopped me before?)

All in all, November went pretty well. I would have liked to have finished the manuscript just to say I did the whole thing in one month, but that’s okay. That can be a goal for NaNoWriMo 2022.

December Goals

  • Finish the rough draft of the third Jackpot Drift book, do the first round of edits, and then send it off to my critique partners. (Overall I’m happy with how things are going, but there are some things that need to be moved around so the first act isn’t too long.)
  • Write the final episodes for the Vella serial Dragon Freehold. I bumped up the release frequency to three times per week, so the final episodes should be available by the end of December. That means I can bundle it together into book form 30 days later for people who would rather read everything at one time.
  • Play around with some short structural and “universal fantasy” exercises which will probably end up on Vella. There are some things I want to try out and it’s easier to convince myself I’m not wasting my time if I do them as serials.

That should be more than enough to work on!

Obligatory Pet Picture

Two cants sleeping

This picture of the geezer brigade is from earlier in the year, but it has a nice cozy winter feel to it. I hope your December brings joy and warmth!