Fun Facts Friday: Transfaunation
When you think about it, cows are pretty amazing creatures. They thrive by eating a bunch of stuff that would have no nutritional value for you and me. (Plus, m...
When you think about it, cows are pretty amazing creatures. They thrive by eating a bunch of stuff that would have no nutritional value for you and me. (Plus, m...
How did it go in May? Finish the major edits to SHIFT HAPPENS and get it set up for line editing. Done! Take that, life! Fill out the cover art questionnaire so...
Technically this condition is called traumatic pericarditis, but the name “hardware disease” gives a great clue to the source of the problem. As far...
Let’s talk about anthrax. Not the weaponized version that people were sending in the mail, but the original version that is a not-uncommon soil contaminan...
I am still alive and healthy! As always, that’s the important thing. How did I do on the April goals? Get the first pass of major edits to SHIFT HAPPENS d...
I guess I really should have made the March goal something like “survive pandemic”. So far, so good. I’m still healthy. I’m still employ...
Goofing off? Me? Okay, maybe a little. I’m doing that thing where you feel intimidated by how much you don’t know about something so you ignore it c...
We were going through yearly goals in one of my critique groups, and I came up with “draft two novels, and publish two novels”. I think that’s...
Happy New Year! Before the new and improved goals, let’s look at how the December (a month of travel and general schedule upheaval) goals went: Add anothe...
My (unblogged) November goal was to work on the heist novel for NaNoWriMo, and despite some life challenges, I did that. But how did I do for October? Get back ...