Writing-related accomplishments: Apparently I’ve been so busy that I forgot to post anything last week. I did read and critique a novel for WF and then two submissions for YWC. Also sent off the dragon novel (currently titled “The Shape of the Change”) to WF for next month’s critique.
I suspect I’m not alone in finding it difficult to switch back and forth from writing mode to editing mode, but I’ve been thinking about what comes next. It’s always fun to plan new books.
Writing-related accomplishments: Still working on the final act of the novel (HIDDEN) I was working on during NaNoWriMo. Eventually I’ll get it done even if my pace is three sentences per day. I’ve also been beta-reading a YA novel for the WF critique group.
This week I’ll be doing the final edits on the dragon novel before handing it off to the critique group and then it’s back to work on final act of the HIDDEN. I’m still working out what exactly happens but I think it’s going to come together.
And a silly picture of the big dog to get you through the week:
Writing-related accomplishments: I didn’t get much done on my own this week, but H. did read the dragon novel in its entirety (always a good sign), enjoyed it (yay!), and gave me some notes on it. Also, based on how she talked about it, someone in her office now wants to read it. It sounds like I should have H. write the query letter for this one because she’s doing a great job of making others want to read it.
The big dog looks like he was assembled incorrectly, but really he’s just sleeping. And snoring. Oh wow, the snoring…
Writing-related accomplishments: Worked on initial structural edits on the novel formerly known as “Dude, Where’s My Dragon” and sent it off to H. who has offered to give it a first read. Clearly she is a masochist, but also a good friend. At this point I’m looking for “I gave up after 30 pages because I was bored” or “Something happened in chapter 20, but I’ll be damned if I can figure out what” sort of feedback. With luck I can address major issues before sending it out to the WF group for critique in a few weeks.
(I have no idea what that piece of equipment rusting in the background is. Some sort of hay rake maybe? I did not grow up on a farm…)
Writing related accomplishments: I’ve been sick this week, but I have been working on edits for the dragon novel. Also got the number of queries pending back up, so there’s that.
I have tomorrow off and I’m no longer sick, so there will be productivity!
Now I’m off to go walk the dogs and look at the lunar eclipse unless it’s hidden by the clouds.
Writing related accomplishments: Lots of reading and critiquing this week. Lots. Two full novels for WF and shorter additional chunks of novels for YWC, plus meetings on Thursday and Saturday.
I did manage to start working on the structural edits for the dragon novel. I need a draft ready to go for the group at the beginning of February. This will be the first time I’ve sent something to that particular group before it’s been critiqued by anyone else, so that could be… interesting. Possibly also disastrous. We’ll see. I actually quite like the novel, so at least there’s that.
Long walk with the dogs today while catching up on the Writing Excuses podcast.
So how did I do on my (overly-ambitious) December goals?
Post every day on the other blog for Holidailies. (Note: I’m not saying that they will all be interesting posts. I try not to set impossible goals.)
Get the next chapter of ALL BASILISKS out to YWC. (I may need to take a field trip and/or rewrite some of it.)
Keep ten queries active.
Rewrite the current query so it invokes a better sense of wonder. Or something. I’ll try something different in any case.
Finish the novel I worked on during November. (This may be a bit of a stretch goal since it’s December and there’s always a ton of stuff going on, even in my life.)
(Side note: OMG this new WordPress editor is killing me. If it had been this way a year ago I would have started this blog on a different platform. Okay. I’m going to stop whining now.)
So yeah, a pretty solid D or possibly a D-minus on those December goals, but I knew it would be a problem with everything else going on in December. I’d counted on writing a bit more while staying at the (weird) hotel. That didn’t happen. I got a bit more written on the WIP, but it’s nowhere near the end.
I only had nine queries active at the end of the month because it seemed like most agents were taking time off in December. Time to rectify that now!
(Ripley was helping me procrastinate with Vera, season 8.)
Onward to the January goals!
Get the next chapter of ALL BASILISKS out to YWC.
Get ten queries active.
Finish the novel I worked on during November. (This may be a bit of a stretch goal since it’s December and there’s always a ton of stuff going on, even in my life.)
In other news, I’ve decided the novel not called “Dude, Where’s My Dragon” will be the next to receive all my editing attention. I need to get some beta feedback first, but it will probably also be the next to be queried. I just need to pick a new title first…
Writing-related accomplishments: This week I — look, a chicken! Oh right, this blog is about accountability. Other than the other blog, I think I’ve written about three sentences. Still, next week is going to be better. Or possibly the week after that.
Writing-related accomplishments: had a critique group meeting yesterday and I’ve been keeping up with the Holidailies blogging, but other than that, I’ve been a bit lazy. It’s December though, and there has been stuff going on.
I’ve also made a few batches of springerles, and (to counteract that) I’ve been running with the big dog.