Before I make up a whole new list of things to forget about this month, how did I do with last month’s list?
Release The Chaos Nexus! (The cover is ready, the manuscript is off with the proofreader… I should really get the pre-order set up today.)DONE!Finish the draft of All Gremlins Great and Small.DONE!Continue editing and loading episodes of Fighting Fate to Kindle Vella.DONE!Write a short story / newsletter bonus. I made a list of five stories (linked to various books) to write, and I’d like to get at least one of them done this month.Wrote 1, and finishing the second today.Work on the book that comes after All Gremlins. (This is my “If I run out of things to do” goal.)I worked on the outline. In fact, I got to the point where I realized “Hey, this really needs an antagonist!”, which is about 50k words earlier than I usually have that thought. See how much I’m improving as a writer!
Clearly I did a great job accomplishing my goals. As much as I want to claim I just worked extra hard, I think this can be explained by having fairly easy goals. (It’s related to a trick I figured out in grade school — throw the first test so it looks like you’re improving for the rest of the quarter.) So now, on to the goals for this month!
April Goals
- Get feedback on All Gremlins (book 1) and make a plan for editing.
- Add 30k words to All Rocs (book 2). I’m hoping to cannibalize some of these from an earlier draft, but I haven’t looked at it yet. That might slow me down. (This is my Camp NaNoWriMo goal.)
- Edit the short story I wrote in March and send it to my newsletter subscribers.
- Finish writing/editing the second short story. (It will probably go out in the newsletter next month.)
- Update the website:
- Add a page with free short stories (if you sign up to the newsletter).
- Make the newsletter signup call to action more obvious.
- Add a page for the Vella serials.
- Add some info about my Patreon to the home page.
- Stretch goal: write a bonus epilog for All Gremlins to convince people to sign up for my newsletter. (Yes, I have decided to focus on increasing my newsletter subscribers. You probably noticed.)
Anyhow, that’s the plan for April.
Obligatory Pet Picture
Georgie would like you to explain why you’re lying on the grass mid-walk.