
2,525 words added to the WIP (so far anyhow — it’s still early enough that I could add a bit more). Today’s shenanigans with our magical probation officer included line dancing and a crank call to find a shifted cockroach in a mall food court.


Benson waited until they were turning into the strip mall before he spoke again. “Where to now?”
“Line dancing.” She pulled into a space in front of “The Watering Hole” and cut the engine.
“Line dancing,” he repeated.
“I find it helps my clients with stability if I can observe them while they’re doing something else, plus there are the social benefits of seeing other people they don’t have to hide their nature in front of, and it’s good exercise to boot.” She dangled her keychain in the space between them. “But if you have something against the Tush Push I’ll give you my keys and you can go watch Matt and Caleb handle the dragon.” He’d take them. He had to take them. Nobody would give up a chance to see a dragon instead of line dancing at a fake Western bar in an aging strip mall.
Instead he opened his door. “I can’t say I’ve ever Tush Pushed before, but I can’t wait to see how it goes.”
Gritting her teeth Angela got out and led him into the bar.

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