Saturday 11/17/2018

Writing-related accomplishments: I am slightly ahead of par at 29, 365 new words during this month. I may even finish the 50k a few days early since I have a five day weekend next week, but now that I’ve said that I’ve probably doomed myself.

I did run into a little slump a few days ago, but then I realized how to make things even more difficult for my main character and that pepped me right up. I mean, making someone else miserable has always made me happy in real life and now I know it works in fiction too!

In writing-adjacent news, I’m on the search for a slack bot that will set up a word sprint. Right now we’re using the “remind” bot, but that requires more manual setup than I’d like. If I can’t find an appropriate bot I’ll look into writing my own — looks like it’s not too hard to add them.

Anyhow, at 29,365 / 50k or 55,582 / 80k (depending on how you look at it), I’m giving myself a current grade of “happy frog”.