December Goals!

Now that November is over, it’s time to revisit my October goals and see how that went. (Uh, yeah, I never made a November goal post because I was doing NaNoWriMo and I sort of took that one as a given.)

October goals:

  • Get an ending for the rough draft of the dragon novel. I really, really need to get this done this month since NaNoWriMo starts in a month and I want to have this ready to park in a digital drawer by then. So I’m going to do my best.
  • Get the next chapter of ALL BASILISKS out to YWC. (I may need to rewrite part of it first. We’ll see.)
  • Keep ten queries active.
  • Come up with an outline for the NaNoWriMo novel. I tend not to plan, but I really am more efficient when I have a decent outline. Again, I’m going to do my best on this.

(I’m giving myself points for that last one because I did come up with an outline even if I then abandoned it and worked on something else.)

In any case, I’m giving myself an A+ for the month because I did it all. Plus I’m sleeping with the professor (me).

On to the December goals:

  • Post every day on the other blog for Holidailies. (Note: I’m not saying that they will all be interesting posts. I try not to set impossible goals.)
  • Get the next chapter of ALL BASILISKS out to YWC. (I may need to take a field trip and/or rewrite some of it.)
  • Keep ten queries active.
  • Rewrite the current query so it invokes a better sense of wonder. Or something. I’ll try something different in any case.
  • Finish the novel I worked on during November. (This may be a bit of a stretch goal since it’s December and there’s always a ton of stuff going on, even in my life.)

(Judgemental big dog is here to keep me in line.)