Friday 3/1/2019

New month = time for some monthly goals. (Somehow I forgot to have goals last month.)

For March (the only month that is also a command, according to H.):

  • Firm up the plan for the thing to be written for April’s Camp NaNo. Right now I have two characters, a little bit of world-building, and an opening problem, but no real plot. I tend to be a discovery writer, so it wouldn’t be the end of the world if I just started writing with the information I have, but it would be nice to work a few things out first.
  • Get the number of active queries on ALL GREMLINS back up to ten. (It’s dropped to eight in the last couple of weeks.) Unless the feedback I get from WF suggests I need to make major changes in the dragon novel, I’ll probably be looking at trunking ALL GREMLINS and querying the new book soon. I might as well give ALL GREMLINS as good a chance as possible first.
  • Write the initial draft of the query for the dragon novel.

Writing-related accomplishments: I’ve been a slacker lately. That’s really the only way to describe it. This week I’m going to get on the “Minimum three sentences per day” train. Wish me luck!