May 2021 Goals

Happy May Day! As usual, before I get to my goals for this month, it’s time to look back and see how I did on last month’s goals.

April Goals

  • Finish the read-aloud editing pass of THE CHAOS JOB (the actual title of the sheep heist novel) and send it off to my copyeditor. Not only did I do this, but I published the book! 
  • New words: add 30k to the next Penelope Standing mystery. Added about 32k words and finished the first draft this morning.
  • Send out a newsletter. (At some point this will actually happen.) I did this! 
  • Clean up and submit the next chapter of Charlie’s Angels in space. Got this one done, too!

All in all, April was a productive month for me. I’m giving myself an A+. And now… onward!

May Goals

  • Clean up the current draft of Penelope Standing 2 (tentatively titled Death Tracks the Clue… ugh, why are titles so hard?) and send it out to WF for feedback.
  • Write the short story reader magnet for Jackpot Drift. This will be a freebie for newsletter subscribers. It takes place between The Chaos Job and the next Jackpot Drift book, and will be from the viewpoint of one of the other characters.
  • Start edits on the second Jackpot Drift book — there are some major structural changes that need to happen, so this will require some thought.
  • Covers 101 class! I’m taking a 6 week workshop on creating covers. Given my (lack of) artistic talent, I doubt that I’ll get to the point where I would release books with covers I’ve made, but I’d like to have a better grasp of how to evaluate covers, and I’d also like to be able to create adequate covers for things like reader magnet freebies.
  • Clean up and submit the next chapter of Charlie’s Angels in space. (I really ought to come up with a title for this thing at some point…)

I think that pretty much covers it.

Gratuitous Pet Picture

little dog picture
Ginger says: You should get off social media and get to work!