September 2023 Goals

I remembered my goals post only three days into the new month! So how did I do last month?

  • Two new stories/digital bonus things for my awesome Patreon supporters. YES!
  • Finish first draft of PS5. YES!
  • Weekly space opera and dragon episodes. YES!
  • Start planning the next Portal Storm book. Not really.
  • Get prepared for audio recording trial. YES!
  • Play with the foster kittens! Twice over since I have two litters of kittens right now!

Clearly I deserve an A+ for setting reasonable expectations, but just an A for meeting them since I didn’t plan the next Portal Storm book. Still, kudos all around.

September Goals

  • Two new stories/digital bonus things for my wonderful Patreon supporters.
  • Clean up and send PS5 to my critique partners.
  • Weekly space opera and dragon episodes. The space opera is getting close to the end…
  • Outline the next Portal Storm book and start drafting (10k).
  • Record audio for one full short story and go through the post-production process.
  • Play with the foster kittens!

Obligatory Pet Picture

The latest group of kittens, who have not quite figured out solid food yet. But they are still adorable!