October 2023 Goals

There are two things I need to do at the start of every month: give the dog his heartworm/flea prevention, and this post. This might be the first time I remembered both on the first, but only if I don’t forget the dog’s meds in the next couple hours…

How did I do in September?

  • Two new stories/digital bonus things for my wonderful Patreon supporters. YES!
  • Clean up and send PS5 to my critique partners. YES!
  • Weekly space opera and dragon episodes. The space opera is getting close to the end… YES! (The space opera is still not over.)
  • Outline the next Portal Storm book and start drafting (10k). It is sort of outlined, but I have only 600 words written.
  • Record audio for one full short story and go through the post-production process. Did this!
  • Play with the foster kittens! Did this with the last litter, but can’t with the current fosters because they are in quarantine.

Overall, I think I did well. I could have written a bit more, so I’m giving myself an A-, but I’m willing to round up.

October Goals

  • Two new stories/digital bonus things for my wonderful Patreon supporters.
  • Weekly space opera and dragon episodes. It would be nice to finish the space opera before November, but I’m not sure if it’s going to happen in four episodes.
  • Write at least 20k in the next Portal Storm book.
  • Record 10 chapters of audio for Shift Happens. I’m still trying to work out the best way to do different voices (Practice. The answer is practice. This isn’t a secret!) so I can’t swear what I record will be usable, but just the act of recording will force me to get better.
  • Do a bit more worldbuilding for NaNoWriMo.
  • Play with the foster kittens (when they get out of quarantine, if possible)!

Obligatory Pet Photos

Oscar Mayer and Sabrett went back to the shelter last week. They are adorable little muffins.